The most wonderful time of the year has come! December is here and Christmas decorations are everywhere: inside and outside houses, in the streets, in the shops and the overall feeling has become festive. This also means that the most of us are looking for Christmas gifts for our beloved ones and we all want […]
Updated: Nov 30, 2022 The Evil eye is easily one of the worlds most well-known and recognizable symbols, people everywhere know that it represents the protection from a malicious gaze or negative energy. This superstition has a long history (around 3000 years) and has its roots back to ancient Mesopotamia. In Greece it is the most […]
The evil eye superstition has a long history and it is considered as one of the most powerful and well-known emblems worldwide. It can be found to many different civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, Mesopotamians, Turkish, Jewish and many others. Despite the differences in all these cultures the evil eye has pretty much the […]
Assyrians have a strong belief in Al-‘ayn (the evil eye curse), this is a belief which has been since ancient times in Mesopotamia. It is claimed that if an individual stares at someone/something with jealousy, they have the capacity to harm them, and this harm can be over people, animals or objects. This evil eye […]
The evil eye is referred in Indian culture by a variety of names which differ from region to region. These names include Buri Nazar (Northern India), Kudrishti, and Karikannu. People in India think that the evil eye curse is responsible for the majority of terrible things which start happening suddenly after a person has completed […]
The evil eye, also known as Al-Ayn in Arabic or Islamic countries, is a bad glance that causes misfortune, illness, injury, harm, etc., on a person, animal or valuable object. Anyone has the potential to mistakenly or purposely throw the evil eye and many Muslims hold this belief with some adopting particular rituals to protect […]
If someone spends some time with Israelis, they will observe that some are prone to say “Bli Ayin Ha’ra,” which literally translates to “Without the Evil Eye,” after referring to a source of happiness such as a child, good fortune, etc. This is a strong proof that Israel people have a strong belief in Evil […]
Turkey is a country that holds a strong belief of Evil Eye curse. According to this, one person has the power to injure someone through his thoughts or an envious glance, leading to illness, pain or even death. The evil eye has a long history (glass beads first appeared in the Mediterranean approximately 1500 B.C.) […]
Updated: Nov 30, 2022 Τhe eye moves constantly, like a breath of light Τhe eye learns constantly , because it sees Τhe eye remembers Τhe eye foresees Τhe eye admires Τhe eye envies Plutarch, Moralia VIII, Convivalium Dilputationum Liber V. Z.681 the evil eye a. The evil eye (‘mati’ in greek) was considered for centuries the […]
You have probably passed by the well-known “evil eye” emblem a hundred times without paying attention to it . You’ve undoubtedly seen someone wearing an evil eye amulet, and you may have even worn one yourself. In fact, you might even own a piece of jewelry with the “evil eye” symbol and not have known […]