Turkey is a country that holds a strong belief of Evil Eye curse. According to this, one person has the power to injure someone through his thoughts or an envious glance, leading to illness, pain or even death.

The evil eye has a long history (glass beads first appeared in the Mediterranean approximately 1500 B.C.) and has been associated with many different cultures and faiths, including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. The evil eye symbol is a way of defense against negative energy and thoughts. Evil-eye beads gained popularity among the Phoenicians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, and Ottomans as glass production technology improved. All around the world, especially in the Mediterranean & West Asia, you can still see the remarkable appearance of the cobalt-blue eye.

In Turkey, there are a variety of means available for shielding oneself and others from the ubiquitous “evil eye” and its harmful effects. There are many talismans and amulets in Turkey that are worn as jewelry or used to decorate homes, all of which overlap with these fundamental ideas of the nation’s culture.

The Turkish word for the blue evil eye charm is Nazar Boncuk, where “Nazar” stands for Glance and “Boncuk” for Pearl. It is a vintage talisman made of glass or crystal that has yellow, white or white & black eye dots in the middle of concentric rings of pale or dark blue.

Turkish people utilize talismans today for protection and luck. It is a common belief that jealousy is the root of the evil eye curse and other negative energies. Turkish people offer evil eye beads as gifts at weddings, births, and even when they buy new vehicles, homes, or other items.

What are the cultural superstitions to the evil eye? What causes it, and what are the symptoms?

Turkish people hold the belief that envy-based, bad glare is used to cast the evil eye on admirable things and successful individuals. When someone is envious of something or someone, they may gaze viciously at them in an effort to hurt them.

Symptoms and signs:

– Financial disaster

– Sickness and fever

– Vision issues and heavy eyes

– Headache and body pain

– Milk of nursing mothers become sour

How do Turks protect themselves from the Evil Eye?

– The Turkish people are convinced that wearing an evil eye amulet can protect themselves and their property from any vicious forces and malicious spells. That is why this evil eye protection charm is frequently seen hanging on doors, structures, workplaces, etc. throughout Turkey.

– Many Turks avoid discussing their happiness in public to avoid drawing too much attention (which may cause bad luck).

Practices to get rid of Evil Eye curse

If you become a victim, you can put on a “muska” (an amulet containing a prayer) to shield you from the jealous gaze. But if you really want to change the bad luck that such a terrible spell has brought about for you, you must ask a lead melting specialist—typically a female villager—to melt lead over you and then drop it into cold water to produce your own unique talisman.

The evil eye superstition has significant meaning and impacts in Turkey, as mentioned in this article. The protection from bad energy associated with the evil eye superstition has been maintained in Turkey and it is likely that Turkish people will continue to believe in its efficacy for a very long time.

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